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Page 4

  The rush and thrum of bodies entering the sea followed. Her heart raced and fear escalated.

  Eyes straining, she swam farther and farther. Creatures scattered at her approach, fins flapping in haste to get away from what they, too, sensed. Her lungs burned but she forced herself forward in the glow of underwater life.

  Instead of the beauty she’d learned to appreciate during her time with Kon, terror turned everything around her into potential danger.

  Kon. Where is Kon?

  She screamed frantically for him with her mind. He’d promised nothing in the water would harm her. Promised to be there if she ever needed him.

  Chest burning, she surged up and drew in a deep breath as soon as she broke the surface. Her gaze searched desperately for help.

  Nothing but water all around. She’d managed a bit of distance from the land but it was a mere skip and jump to those native to this environment. Breya paddled in place and tried to calm her pounding heart. The flutter of sea life tickled her legs and a renewed burst of fear filled her.

  Fingers wrapped around her ankle and tugged. Not sea life after all. Breya gulped in air just as she was pulled under. Bubbles flared about. She flapped and kicked until the grip loosened. Breya lunged away and swam with every bit of strength she possessed.

  No match for the male who seemed determined to rip her life from her. Something grasped at her leg a second time, higher up. A tug on her hair and then arms looped around her waist, halting her forward progress. Breya curled her fingers into claws and fought.

  Frowns and glares danced in front of her vision as one of her attackers came in close but she continued to resist. The male holding her from behind managed to avoid her blows and pulled her lower.

  Air trickled in slow fits from her nostrils. Breya wanted to scream. Goddess help her she didn’t want to die like this.

  Her assailant spun her around and wrapped a large palm across her throat, shaking her. His menacing face promised death. Breya’s nails scraped at his wrist, her legs tangling with his as she gave up any attempt to swim and focused on surviving.

  Adrenaline surged and she did her best to fight against being taken lower. As if eager to watch her last moments, he leaned in close, eyes lit with a burning fire. Madness lurked in those dark amber depths.


  Her heart cried out for him. She’d never gotten to apologize. Never had the chance to explain. The hand about her throat tightened. Streaks of pain radiated from her chest and spread.

  Her struggles grew frantic. Breya banged at the forearm braced against her torso. She pulled and scratched with everything she had. He dodged the blows with laughable ease. Her actions only caused him to squeeze harder

  Darkness crowded her vision. Air. She needed air. Needed to breathe. The overwhelming urge to take in a breath invaded her senses and against Breya’s best effort, her mouth opened.

  Water rushed in causing her to gag. True panic hit. A cruel smile twisted the male’s face and Breya knew in that moment she was going to die. Red dots rimmed her vision. The Dracol’s look of evil pleasure faded into one of shock. His gaze jerked over her shoulder.

  Something rammed into Breya’s side, tearing her free of the tight grip. Water frothed in a white burst, blinding in its intensity. The hand about her throat fell off and the arm about her waist was wrenched away. Breya floundered in place and choked. More water flooded her mouth.

  Firm hands suddenly gripped her waist, turning her around in a controlled move. She was locked tight against a hard body as they surged upward. Cold lips pressed to hers and her lungs filled with precious air. Breya slapped at the broad chest in front of her, grappling for some sense of direction. She was propelled upward with a determined push. Light blinded as her head crested the surface.

  Dragging in desperate gulps of air, her chest heaved and she purged a good amount of water on a ragged sob. Her rescuer squeezed her waist once then disappeared. Ducked back beneath the surface before she could get a glimpse of his features.

  But Breya didn’t need to see to know who’d saved her.


  Chapter 5

  After assuring himself that Brie could keep herself afloat, Kon dove low. Anger was a boiling flame in his gut. Tomas grinned as soon as he saw Kon and charged toward him. Zane and Fenra followed suit. Kon was ready and slammed a palm into Tomas’ chest, followed with an elbow to Zane’s midsection as he swam up behind him.

  Fighting the two was remarkably easy. The time without Brie in his life had given him ample opportunity to spar and vent his rage in training sessions.

  Rage because she’d walked away from him using a pithy excuse. Rage because his little brother constantly questioned her absence after becoming attached to Brie. And more than anything, uncontrollable fury at the malevolence spreading through the sects.

  Fenra and Tomas had been out of contact for weeks, Zane mere days. Now here the three were attempting to drown Breya. Breya, who was known to be under his protection no matter where in the water she traveled.

  It was clear sign the madness had taken hold of them. For weeks, Kon had been tracking the missing members of his sect and dispatching those infected by the Goddess of Fate. As king, it was Kon’s responsibility to take care of them.

  Life under the sea made it difficult despite the connection of the mantle. They were nomadic in nature and often traveled from one location to another under the ocean, never staying long or settling in place.

  The rot was spreading far faster than what he’d spoken of with his fellow king, Rylin. But that had been a while ago. In the time since, Kon had executed over a dozen members from his sect.

  His lack of attention allowed Fenra to land a blow to his face but Kon barely flinched. A pleased grin crossed Fenra’s mouth. Kon surged forward on a burst of strength. He grasped Fenra’s neck and with a violent twist ended him. He murmured the ritual words to the goddess and spun around to Tomas. Kon dropped lower and swam around until he was behind him.

  When Tomas’ jammed his elbow backward to strike, Kon caught his forearm. They struggled as Tomas tried to free himself. Tension lined the forearm and if he kept up the pressure, the results would be painful. Kon gritted his teeth and held on.

  Tomas’ actions grew more and more erratic, his desire to end Kon in this moment evident. There was no reaching him through the mantle. Kon tried the entire time they battled.

  Remorse swirled as the bone in Tomas’ arm snapped under Kon’s hold. Next he kicked out and palmed the sides of Tomas’ neck. His eyes widened in panic as he realized Kon’s intent. With his gill slits covered he grew frantic and began to choke. Kon held steady until the light in his eyes faded and his body grew limp.

  Pain sliced through the mantle but there was no time to deal with it. Zane was last. He didn’t even try to flee, blinded by whatever thoughts filled his head. Kon lashed out with his claws and slashed Zane’s throat. His fellow Dracol slumped instantly, his body drifting back on an incoming wave.

  Sadness swelled and rolled over Kon as he murmured the ritual words to send all of them to their rest. The mantle rebounded with the force of the deaths. It didn’t matter that he’d done what he had to. The pain of losing anyone in his sect was brutal.

  Fists clenched, he waited as he was pounded over and over with the layered grief from his people via the mantle. The death resonated threefold. It was agony, an agony he’d grown used to.

  As soon as the pain eased, Kon kicked and surged upward. He burst through the waves and swiped his hair from his face. Brie’s pale features stood out across from him. A mix of emotions rolled over his heart. Grateful she was alright, fear she’d been in danger to begin with and anger at her unexpected presence.

  Settling on the anger, he snapped, “What are you doing here, Brie?”

  She shoved at the wet strands of dark hair clinging to her flushed cheeks. “King Rylin...has been trying to The madness.”

  The words came out in broken gasps while she contin
ued to catch her breath. Her arms paddled listlessly, barely managing to bob and stay afloat. Kon had taught her better. Clearly the attack had impacted her greatly. To witness her struggling pulled at an old ache in his chest but he ruthlessly pushed the feeling away.

  Desiring Breya only scraped at a wound that had never healed over. He swam closer. Then, behind her. She craned her neck but Kon caught her around the waist. “Be still!”

  Her body stiffened in his grip. From his tone? He wasn’t sure but she didn’t resist as he swam backward, her weight negligible and familiar in his arms. “Did you come alone?”

  Tangles of her hair brushed his shoulder as she nodded. There had been a time when he’d continually find her hair on his clothing or his bedding. Each discovery of the thin strands had brought a smile of delight to his face until his cheeks hurt.

  Kon cursed the King of the Black. While at any other time he could have guaranteed Breya’s safety in the water, Rylin should not have risked her during these unsure days.

  Venturing out put everyone at risk of attack because the madness spreading through his sect was without rhyme or reason. He had no true measure to anticipate who would fall next.

  Not even the mantle had been able to help with tracking them down. Unless his fellow kings had discovered something he had missed. He stroked through the water with purpose. “What about the madness?”

  “King Faris of the Silver attacked the others,” she announced.

  Shock rendered Kon immobile. Treading water, he adjusted Breya in his hold, chest to chest, as he took in what she’d said. “How did they respond? Is he alive?”

  Kon distinctly recalled a plan that involved killing his fellow king.

  “Yes. They were able to reach him and bring him back. I’m not sure of all the details. Only that the Silver sect survived.”

  Water flickered on her lashes and she still seemed off balance. Kon would deal with the rest of what she’d imparted later. “Take a deep breath.”

  It was the only warning he gave. When her chest expanded, Kon pulled them both under. With an air of familiarity, Breya looped her arms around his neck and lined her body along side his to not impede his swimming. Kon gritted his teeth, unwilling to let the sweetness of her actions sway the roiling emotions he carried toward her.

  He went lower and lower until the sunlight became thin stripes filtering through from above. With an ingrained awareness of exactly where he was headed, Kon continued to check on Breya as they drew close to the shadowy opening meant to intimidate and scare off the more curious sea life.

  The narrow entrance butted against the edges of a shelf created by time and the shift of the ocean. Breya’s eyes widened and he knew she recognized how close she’d been to his home and reaching him.

  Small bubbles slid from her nostrils, prompting Kon to put on a burst of speed. When he got inside, he gripped her hips and helped her through. As they eased beyond the passage, the water leveled off to their shoulders.

  She drew in a deep breath, her body still willingly supported by his. The water drained lower and lower the further he moved inward, until it reached their waist. When it was only ankle high, Kon released her to settle on her feet.

  Around them, a steady trickle of water from the ceiling pattered against the rock walls in thin trails. The run off from the way the cavern had shifted kept the flow to a minimum. The salty smell of the sea was dulled but noticeable.

  After making sure she was steady, Kon stepped back. Glowing algae in circular lanterns provided what little light there was in this section. His vision adjusted to the change and took in Breya’s appearance. She shook her arms, a fine tremble running through her slender frame.

  The white shirt she wore was soaked and perfectly formed round globes taunted him with the tight peaks of her nipples through the material. Her pants clung to her shapely thighs and her feet were bare.

  Had she entered the water this way? It wasn’t his concern. Kon turned his gaze to the side and gestured at the path to his right. “Come.”

  He moved without waiting for Breya’s agreement. Aside from those he’d convinced to remain, there weren’t many Dracol here this time of year. They preferred the warmer waters and wide open spaces versus being closed in by walls.

  Usually, Kon preferred it this way. He liked the quietness of his home and the gentle hum of voices that never became too loud.

  The burn of Breya’s stare tickled his spine as he strode down the tunnel with feigned indifference. He could never remain detached in her presence. Anger, confusion and desire waged a constant battle. Right now the anger was winning. Again.

  Breya shouldn’t have been in any danger and yet if he hadn’t felt the unusual wrenching of the mantle leading him to the attack, she could have died. He’d made a promise a long time ago, in another life that she’d always be safe in his territory. Because of the inexplicable madness, his promise had been rendered meaningless.

  “You have to contact the other kings, Konlan.”

  He controlled the shiver hearing her say his name caused and slowed down at the turn off to his room. This network of caves had been his central residence since he’d asked her to become his lira. It was one of the rare places he truly felt comfortable any more. The ocean had become a place where he rendered death and brought him no joy.

  “Kon?” Breya paused at his arched doorway, her amber eyes alight as she waited for a response from him.

  “Towels are on the shelf, feel free to go through my chest for something dry to wear. I’ll be back.”


  Breya remained in the same spot as Kon turned on his heels and left. Her gaze lingered on the single row of purple scales running the length of his broad naked back. The mantle, a sign of his blessing from the Goddess and evidence he was chosen to lead. He disappeared down the corridor leaving her alone. With a sigh, she entered the bedroom. Memories she wanted to push back but couldn’t immediately bombarded her.

  ‘You know I love you, right?’

  Breya smiled up at the purple haired king sprawled above her, his forearms propped beside her head. ‘Of course, Kon. I’d never doubt your feelings for me.’

  ‘Good,” he kissed her forehead and whispered, ‘Do we really need to wait to make you my lira?’

  His mouth trailed a row of soft kissed across her cheeks then nuzzled her ear. Each breath whistled along her skin, giving Breya a warm bubbly sensation in the pit of her stomach. It was always this way with Konlan. Instead of an outburst of passion, she’d fallen in love with him gradually. He’d caught her eye initially when he and Rylin had challenged one another in a mock fight and Rylin had won.

  After that, she continued to watch him during his visits and when he’d brought his brother along sometimes, she’d found herself ensnared.

  ‘Brie?’ His murmur stirred the hair at her nape.

  Squirming because his hands were now gliding over her torso and nearing her aching breasts, Breya answered on a gasp. ‘Yes?’

  His chuckle was filled with intimate knowledge. Breya’s lips twisted up in a smile as she curved her hands about his neck and tugged him closer. He lowered his body on hers, their frames aligning. ‘Do we have to wait?’

  Breya could barely focus. ‘No, we don’t.’

  She wanted to belong to Kon as much as he wanted to belong to her.

  ‘But we will.’ She wanted a beautiful mating ceremony with all of their friends around to celebrate with them.

  His groan caused her to give in to the urge and kiss him deep and long.

  Only things hadn’t ended up the way they were supposed to and Breya wasn’t sure Konlan would understand why she’d done what she had.

  Huffing out a breath of remorse, Breya crossed the threshold and glanced around his bedroom. Nothing had changed in the two years since she’d been here last. Rock walls in striated shades of deepest brown to a silky tan blended along in seamless symmetry around the room.

  Every crevice and pocket from the jagged formations had
been turned into shelves. Stepping closer, Breya fingered a small marbled pebble in swirling blue colors. Items of sentimental value rested alongside Kon’s miscellaneous belongings—a brush, several hair ties and a coiled belt.

  She studied each piece, subconsciously searching for the gift she’d given him long ago. It took a moment to ignore the twinge of disappointment when she didn’t find the chipped seashell.

  Turning away, Breya refused to allow guilt to take hold. Her bare feet scuffed along the stone floor, its smooth texture worn from years of wear and repeated polish from the occasional flooding.

  In the middle of the room, Konlan’s large circular bed dominated the space. Breya sat on the very edge at the bottom and ran her hand over the vibrant sheets in the deepest shade of purple. Nights of shared passion and love flickered through her memory. Had he brought other females here?

  The question peppered at her mind though she had no right to judge. It wasn’t her business and wouldn’t matter in the larger scale of things but she yearned to know the answer.

  Sometimes his actions made her think they still had a chance but at other times, like now...she felt his ire like the slash of a blade against her heart, shredding her to the core.

  So much loss. Her throat clogged. If the Goddess of Fate hadn’t thrown her a curve, Breya would be Konlan’s lira, maybe they’d have been blessed with a child as well.

  She shook her head and pushed to her feet. Her clothing clung to her in a sodden mess and the bed now bore a wet imprint from where she’d sat. First things first.

  She tugged off her shirt and let it fall to the floor with a splat. Her pants were a little harder, the wetness making them cling to her legs. Once she was down to nothing but her panties, she went to the single clothing rack pushed against a far wall. Konlan had an array of pants, vest and shirts, mostly shades of purple though he had a few pair of black pants amidst them.